موقع اخباري شامل صادر عن مؤسسة تحيا مصر

اكاديمية اكسفورد للاستشارات والجمعية المصرية للتنمية السياحية والاثرية وشراكة عمل وتعاون

اكاديمية اكسفورد للاستشارات والجمعية المصرية للتنمية السياحية والاثرية وشراكة عمل وتعاون

من اهم احداث عام 2023


بروتوكول تعاون بين اكاديمية اكسفورد للاستشارات والدراسات المتخصصة


والجمعية المصرية للتنمية السياحية والاثرية


الجمعية يمثلها كل من


الاستاذ أيمن أبو زيد و الأستاذ رمضان سعد الدين


واكاديمية اكسقورد يمثلها : الدكتور / عمرو سراج والدكتورة / اية رستم


يشمل البروتوكولالعمل على تنمية السياحة داخل مصر وانتاج برامج سياحية


متطورة وبشكل تقنى يليق بمستوى مصر العريقة والتي من شأنها ان تخدم المجتمع

وايضا العمل على نشر الوعي السياحى والاثرى لدى الاماكن السياحيه المصرية

و العمل على تسليط الضوء الإيجابي دائما علي الآثار والأماكن البيئة التي تتميز بطبيعه خالده بمصر


5 تعليقات
  1. Bill Cavana يقول


    Do you struggle with creating high-quality videos that capture your audience’s attention?

    Are you frustrated with the complicated and time-consuming process of video editing?

    We understand your pain, and that’s why we created Pictory – the AI-powered video editing tool that simplifies the process for you.

    Say goodbye to the hassle of video editing and hello to effortless, professional-looking videos that elevate your brand.

    Click here to see how Pictory can revolutionize your video marketing game.




    224 Westwood Cir., Dalton, GA 30721

  2. Glena Wilson يقول


    Do you struggle with creating high-quality videos that capture your audience’s attention?

    Are you frustrated with the complicated and time-consuming process of video editing?

    We understand your pain, and that’s why we created Pictory – the AI-powered video editing tool that simplifies the process for you.

    Say goodbye to the hassle of video editing and hello to effortless, professional-looking videos that elevate your brand.

    Click here to see how Pictory can revolutionize your video marketing game.




    224 Westwood Cir., Dalton, GA 30721

  3. EMI Tincher يقول

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > https://bit.ly/42sRQnJ

    So you there


  4. Dian Castellanos يقول

    Hey this is Andrea,

    I came across your website an noticed you are barely driving traffic due to low ranking?

    I wanted to personally reach out and help you.

    I am going to be completely honest,

    I am NOT going to sell you anything BUT what i am going to do i share what i believe will help you with your website & increase traffic.

    Theres a software called adcreative and they currently have a few spots for their .free $500 voucher and most people don’t know about it.
    And if you get it , I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it .

    Just being transparent.

    For example, One of their clients, digimaketing, was able to increase their ROI & traffic by 25% by using AI generated suggestions.

    And i believe it can do wonders for you too.Just keeping it real.

    I’d love to show you how it works here :https://free-trial.adcreative.ai/freeS500

    Best of luck

  5. EMI Cowlishaw يقول

    Do you need targeted Customers emails and phone numbers , so I am here to help you check out my Fiverr 5 stares profile serving over 880 happy customers
    contact me here and tell me what you need ===== > https://bit.ly/42sRQnJ

    So you there


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